Thursday, July 18, 2013

Golden Rules

I have read the rules just now - I’ve step on almost all rakes.

  • You consent to PvP when you click "undock"

Yes, even in high sec you can  be killed as soon as you fly out of the station. I’ve lost my Tengu cost of 2.5 B such way. And learned a lesson.

  • You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.

Concord in Jita

It's not 1.0, but 0.9 - almost the same. And almost every day, you can see such a picture. CONCORD arrived, but as usual - too late. Even if the destruction of your ship would be too expensive for the attackers and doesn’t pay off, it can be destroyed just for fun, or for training beginners.

  • In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from agression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked in a secret safespot could work too.

But sooner or later you have to fly out or decloack. And even at the station - you can become a victim of fraud and losing more than in combat.

  • Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can't afford to lose. Yes, not even in highsec.

Tin with a valuable cargo - the most tempting target for suicide. Especially when it is flying on autopilot. But there are idiots who fly freighter in nulls without scouts and guards. Unfortunately very few of them :)

  • Never grant corporation rights to stuff you can't afford to lose either. No exceptions.

Trust is a real problem for EVE corporations. And this problem has no solution. This is a game and no one can guarantee that someone doesn't decide to play the bad guy. If you take the corporation someone other than your friends in real life, so it will be and the thieves and spies. The better separated credentials, the more likely that losses will not be huge. You should not neglect nor audit nor loyalty checks

  • People offering free stuff? Probably traps. Be cautious.

Free cheese is ONLY in a mousetrap. If it happens in Jita - it is exactly scam. Close the locale and don’t even read

  • Free stuff usually isn't. Not even minerals you mine yourself.

Calculate how much time you have spent on their mining. Calculate how much you could earn over this time. Now, scrub your pumpkin, compare and think

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Paranoia pays off here. Double-check everything.

Be careful, little things are very important. One day I was asked to buy a rare module through a contract. I looked at the market price, and realized that I could sell it more expensive. A small detail - in the buy-order required a minimum of 10 units, but the contract was offered only one… It still lies in warehouse.

  • Scamming and unethical behaviour some would consider griefing is not only allowed, it is encouraged and rewarded by the game mechanics.

Perhaps the point is that when faced with this game, people will get to the immune system, which is useful in real life. This is better than the vice versa. The game should not make naive fools from people.

  • Harrasment or real-life threats however aren't, and you can get a ban for them. Learn the difference.

Do not mix the game and real life. If you lose a game of chess - it's not a reason to beat the opponent.

  • If you lose stuff, it's almost always your fault. Really, only yours.

Do not be a sucker - do not annoy support service unnecessarily. Hell, you even can not be killed completely, and you whine because of the lost ship?

  • More expensive stuff is not always better stuff.
  • Slightly better stuff usually costs many times more as slightly worse stuff. Choose wisely.
  • T2 is usually cheaper and better as best named, but harder to fit. Sometimes it's not better. Other times it's not cheaper. And occasionally, neither cheaper nor better.
  • Showinfo and Variants->Compare are your best friends. Use it on all stuff you can.

It's not that good, that is good, but what suits. Expensive module on the cheap ship is not so much increase your opportunity as your losses. For everyday wear ordinary clothes, for work - work clothes, nobody paints a fence in a suit of Versace.

  • There is always heavy lag in Jita and other trade hubs. But then again, you almost always find what you might need there, and can get better prices for the stuff you want to sell fast. So, it might be worth the risk of getting stuck there. Just know you could get stuck there.

In terms of trade there aren’t alternative to Jita. But you can at least don’t fly into there on autopilot, use scouts and don’t carry valuable stuff in a tin?

  • Just having ISK doesn't matter all that much, it's making ISK that's important. If you bought your ISK (either "illegally" from some site, or from a valid GTC trade), expect to soon be parted with all of them.

As I said - you should to count what is more profitable: to spend time of your life on earning candy wrappers, or make money in real life and play for fun. Do not be stupid greedy.

  • Total skillpoints count doesn't matter much either, it's level of relevant skills to the current situation that does. Yes, that does mean a 2 mil SP combat-oriented newbie could badly beat up a 60 mil SP industry-oriented veteran.

Earning 60 mil SP veteran really must obtain enough experience so as not to fall into such a situation. But if you just bought a character on the market - who is to blame?

  • Always check your clone before you undock.

Yes. Yes! Once again, YES!!! Pay attention! Otherwise, then you feel like an idiot…

  • Always check your ship insurance before you undock. If it's a T2 ship however... not that important.

Don’t agree. It’s not important at all.

  • There are no "solopwnmobiles" in EVE. Everything you can fly blows up if it's shot hard enough.

Elusive ships also don’t exist. Everything you can fly can be catched and blowed up. Do not be too sure of yourself.

  • All other things being equal (experience, skills), superior numbers more often win a fight rather than superior ship value. However, things are hardly ever equal.

Lion catching up with a herd of goats... Well, kitty, whom do you call a goat?

The three on one, it is always and everywhere a very convenient.

  • There is no such thing as "a fair fight" or "an unfair fight". There's only "a fight". Circumstances are irrelevant.
  • Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.

If the opponent is superior number, suitable guerrilla tactics: hit-and-run. Small forces can be kept in suspense big

  • Just because you can fly something doesn't mean you should.

If you have brain – use it.

  • With enough skills and experience, ship size really doesn't matter all that much.

Ship size is matter in the battle of fleets. It’s not easy to kill titan by frigate.

  • If you logoff in space without a PvP timer, you're only safe after 2 minutes... and then only until you log back in. If you logoff with a PvP timer, it's at least 15 minutes. Bottom line, once a fight started, don't logoff. You'll only die anyway.

In nulls your ship can be catched by bubble, in low sec – warp scramblers/disruptors can be used, and even in high sec it can be prevented from warp out by bumping. Just do not be caught - for this there are scouts.

  • If you PvP long enough, you will lose your ship. It's only a matter of where and when.

If you PvP not long enough you will lose your ship very quickly :)

  • Just because some character is just a few minutes old doesn't mean he's a newbie. Many people have alts. The reverse is also possible, people come back after very long breaks, and characters are sold. You could see year-old newbies around too.

Just try to kill him and you will know who is who.

  • Skills that take less than 1 day to train are short skills. Over one week is long.

The grass is green, water is wet… nobody cares. Any way, it is better to quickly learn all the necessary skills to level 3 than to teach one of them to 5

  • You're in this game for the long haul. Don't expect to do something meaningful in the grand scheme of things in the first day of your first trial account ever.

Do not fuss, willed character his grandchildren. It is a violation of the rules, but who cares?

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