Where to extract gas. Low-sec

Here are gathered into a pile where and how to extract gas in low. There aren't NPCs in low-sec nebulas, we can safely fly into even on the tin can.
Booster Gaz Constellation Systems Nebula
Blue Pill Amber Mykoserocin Mivora Akkio, Otosela, Tasti, Uemon, Paala, Fuskunen Diablo
Frentix Lime Mykoserocin Joas Arnola, Uanzin, Khabi, Astabih, Ubtes, Kenobanala, Bimener, Helix
Drop Booster Viridian Mykoserocin Amevync Esesier, Anchauttes, Evaulon, Aldranette, Vlillirier, Oicx, Alsavoinon Sparkling
Exile Booster Celadon Mykoserocin Elerelle Faurulle, Babirmoult, Arittant, Heluene, Oruse, Hare, Ogaria, Agaullores Glass
Crash Booster Golden Mykoserocin Umamon Anin,Tamo, Nannaras, Karjataimo, Saranen, Tartoken Smoking
Sooth Sayer Booster Azure Mykoserocin Tartatven Heild, Hrokkur, Hrober, Aedald, Audesder, Muttokon Eagle
Mindflood Booster Malachite Mykoserocin Fabai Efu, Tisot, Sakht, Naga, Omigiav, Anath Blackeye
X-Instict Booster Vermillion Mykoserocin Hed Amamake, Vard, Auga, Lantorn, Siseide, Dal Flame
The general rule - the boosters gas is extracted in low-sec. But in EVE any rule can be exceptions - Arnola has SS 0.5. Also, all these nebulae can be found in high-sec, but under the constellations above they are more often

Note: Hed constellation can be attributed to the hazardous area - a territory of fractional wars and there is a relentless carnage.

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