Monday, July 29, 2013


Already in the first, training, missions, we are faced with the fact that there are prohibited goods. We were threatened with dire punishments in the form of confiscation for fractions of a second and penalties, at times more than it cost.

Google has found a lot of conflicting information, the mythical trading skill Black Market and other stuff that is either initially sucked from the finger, or a few years out of date. How to deliver, for example, boosters? After all, they can be produced only in nulls, but they are still available in Jita. Who are these heroes and how they dragged their precious cargo here?

To dispel any doubts, I put the Standart Blue Pill in my cargo and flew from Jita three dozen systems in the one direction and the same back.


I was twice fined, the fine both times was 1% of the market value of the drug. Both times it was a notice that the actual deterioration of relations is 0.02. Not bad. They caught me at a time when my ship was decloacked for passage in the gate. I did not notice it specifically, but I think it was the same gate at the border between Caldari and  Amarrians. Maybe it's  border controls, it stricter and all that. If so, then in principle it is possible to lay a better route. On the other gates I repeatedly observed how customs officer starts rapidly approaching, but I jump and he stays with his nose.

Being caught, I naturally refused to give them cargo and immediately jumped out. The consequences was listed above, do anything else they didn't have time. On the other side no one meets. Not delaying warp ahead and be happy.

Ships was tested:

  • Coverrt Tengu/Loki
  • Covert Ops frigate Cheetah
  • T1-interceptor Slasher


Smuggling can carry without too much trouble, if you do it on a regular basis, then you can consider the different nuances, such as to exclude from the route system with enhanced control. If you occasionally - just do not care.

Of course - no autopilot. Covert ship is desirable, but apparently not a prerequisite. Industrial ship hardly fit, and generally any clumsy bandura, which accelerates for long time before to warp.

Pale Nebula

This nebula was a surprise to me - in a list compiled based on the Internet, this has not been included. However, now I fill this gap.

Pale Nebula

It was found in the constellation Assilot, produced in her accordingly Viridian Cytoserocin.

There are two clouds - one smaller, 500 units of gas, the second 2,500. The distance between the clouds 150km, as result shot of one cloud does not reach to another.  The Viridian cloud  beat only thermals, in contrast to, for example, Amber, which deals double damage (Thermal and EM). So it's easy to tank.

There aren’t any NPC in this nebula! Neither warp or after. Rare fact, good for rookie. Local residents (mostly Americans) do not hunt me too, we simply do not intersect at the time. Midnighy in Moscow is sunshine in L.A. :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Venture: How to make enough ISK to buy a PLEX on your trial?


  1. It’s possible.
  2. It’s not easy.
  3. And it's full of shit

I strongly recommend not to do it. Do not turn the game into a dull job. Money to pay for the game of the month you can earn for 1-2 hours, maximum for a day, in almost every country in the world. If you live in the ass of the world with a salary of $ 10-20 per month, you are unlikely to have a computer to play EVE Online. If you have – better spend time to learn how to make money by the Internet.

But if I have not convinced…

ventureUnlike Mining Barge, for which is not only need long learning, but also it can not be studied on the trial account, for Mining Frigate there aren't any requirements. You just have to do some training missions, earn a bit isk and learn game interface. It's all, you can fly and work. At least in systems with SS 1.0-0.8 we will not be killed nor players, nor NPC. Start the extraction and 20 minutes, you can safely go about your business. Meanwhile, the skills will be studied.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mercium belt

  • Venture,  2 flights (6.000 m3 oremerciumbelt)
  • 2 battleships + 2 frigates
  • up to 2KK bounty
  • up to 3KK loot

Pirate Intrusion

  • acceleration gatepirateintrusion
  • 2 pockets
  • frigs and cruisers

Lol… Security missions lvl2 are easier then mining missions lvl1 :)

Bountiful Banidine

  • banidineship: Venture
  • 2 battleships + 3 frigates
  • about 2KK bounty
  • about 2KK loot

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mercium Experiments


  • use Venture (1080 m3 ore)

Asteroid catastrophe

  • Asteroid catastrophe, Objectivesuse Venture (1080m3 of ore)
  • 2 battleships + 3 cruisers
  • about 4KK loot
  • about 2KK bounty

Starting Simple

Starting Simple Objectives

  • you need Venture (2.000 m3 ore volume)
  • no hostiles

Passing the isk

Passing the isk,Objectives

  • you need Venture (1080 m3 ore volume)
  • no hostile there
  • 4 cruisers
  • up to 2 battleships and 3 frigates
  • about 2KK bounty
  • about 2.5KK loot

Augumene Allergen (5 of 5)

Augumene Allergen (5 of 5) Objectives

  • warping to Quarantine station ruins and drop DNA. No NPC here
  • looking for station with manufacturing facilities and manufacture antidot
  • go to agent



Augumene Allergen (4 of 5)

Augumene Allergen (4 of 5) Objectives

Combat mission. I have no weapons on my scout ship, so i used alt in second window. Reward (Modified Augumene Antidote BPC) needs for next step

Augumene Allergen (3 of 5)

Augumene Allergen (3 of 5) ObjectivesOne more very simple (and cheap) mission. Warp to, loot and return. No NPC.

Next mission wil be better.

Augumene Allergen 2 of 5

Augumene Allergen 2 of 5, Objectives

Transport mission. It was easy, just pass through a  Sabre on undock. And no more difficulties

Augumene Allergen 1 of 5

My first ORE Mission

Augmene_allergenYou need acquire 100m3 Augumene, special, mission only ore. The hardest part - to fly out of the station and go through the gate, so that you weren't killed. Another problem – there are nothing on the local market. All ship equipment you’ll carry from the Empire.


If you aren’t true PvP gamer, just humble PvE… and want to fly over low/null sec on big, slow, expensive ship (darnit... why we can't do 10/10 plexes on a cheap and small ones?) – you need scout. He’ll fly ahead on the white horse something small and cheap and look around the corner. Of course, you must play in two or more windows for this.

When I was newby i used shuttles for this purposes. But then found a better option.

Why I don’t like shuttles?

The main reason: if you get into a gate camp - you're dead. No options. It’s not so bad when you fly around your home system and without implants. But if you want to fly for 15-20 jumps? It turns out a huge waste of time - slave can not fly further without scout. But when you have flown there again, how do you know that the gate camp are no more? You jump in… and if they are still there – you’re dead again. And if along the way several of these systems? What to do?

Little Tricks for Beginners miners.

Time is the most valuable resource that you can. And the only resource you have to save.

  • Make bookmark in belt on the asteroids. When the nearest asteroids  are depleted - make another. Then you won't just warp to belt, but to bookmarked asteroid. For the day will accumulate a decent time savings.
  • Make some bookmarks, on the richest asteroid, and after station visiting warp to the most profitable place.
  • Extract the richest close ore, but do not waste time searching. The difference is not large, it does not justify the time spent.
  • Don't even think about ore scanner. It isn’t necessary. Put an extra shield extender.
  • You should buy the best equipment you can afford. It pays for itself.
  • You should plan purchasing and optimize logistics. It makes no sense to drive the entire fleet to buy for each the book. Cheaper to drive one and buy at all, and with a reserve. If there are isks, there is no reason to delay purchases until later, it is best to purchase one once a week than to fly every day.
  • Socialize or ply in two window. It’s possibly (with some trics) even on trial. Leadership gives bonuses only when you are in the fleet.
  • Do not waste time of your life on making candy wrappers. Do this only as long as (if) you are interested in.
  • One way to make mining interesting - be a ninja-miner.

Monday, July 22, 2013


ventureThis magnificent ship has been introduced relatively recently. Earlier it was not anything like that, there was nothing that could be compared in its capabilities. All of these mining bonuses for ugly rookie ships, the use of cruisers for mining had gone like a bad dream. Now there is a mining frigate, which is so much better that other options shouldn't even be considered. If you are going to dig the gas (and it's worth it), you no longer need other mining ships.

So, what is it so good:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mining in Odyssey, part 3: What mine?

By miner's resources is accepted to all the resources that are extracted
a) With the active participation of the Player
b) Do not have an element of randomness in production.
This is ore, ice and gas. Let us consider each of them separately


There are 16 types of ore, from which we can produce 8 kinds of different minerals. Mercoxit will be considered separately, and all the rest - are described below.

Conventionally, all the ore can be divided into "high-sec ores" (found in asteroid belts almost everywhere), "low-ses ores" (found in asteroid belts in low-sec and nulls), and "null-sec ores" - is found in asteroid belts in nulls.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mining in Odyssey, part 2: Ships

In principle, you can totally dig on any ship, from the rookie ships, and to titans (the only exception - jump-freighter and freighter, but they generally have quite a big problem with fitting). However, here we will focus on specialized ships designed specifically for mining. For this purpose in the game there is a whole range of ships from the corporation ORE. Hereinafter, each of them in detail.

Mining in Odyssey, part 1: Miner evolution

Miner evolution

Education of any profession in Eve begins with a study of relevant skills. The first skill that we need - Mining. The first level of this skill is given when creating a character, so no need to buy the book. Put the right to learn it to the fourth level (strictly speaking, to the fourth level of learning is not necessarily immediately, but at 3 this skill is learning very quickly, you do not have time to get the books to other skills), and begin to make isks for the further progress of the character.

After that, if you have just created the character, then the best option for further action will be passing the training course for the extraction and production. During this course you will be able to get some initial capital. Course consists of about a dozen missions, however, the actual mining devoted only a portion of them. and generally you only need the first two: the first gives a mining laser Miner I, and the second - a book with skill Mining Frigate and frigate Venture. I advise you to immediately learn the skill Mining Frigate at least to the second (the best is to third) level (with partially studied Mining nothing happens, it automatically will study later). Strictly speaking, it is possible to stop Tutorials, and plunge into the extraction of minerals - nothing particularly valuable you do not get it.

Further evolution  of the miner is     studying the appropriate skills. In addition to the mining skills is to learn at least up to the third level of the so-called "support service-skills" to facilitate the fitting of ship: a mining equipment is very demanding on the resources of the ship, and without studing these skills, for example, the installation of two Miner II and Mining Laser Upgrade will eat all possible resources at Venture, and it will be impossible to put the defense.

At a certain point further development becomes practically impossible due to the limitations of trial account - many of the skills are not available on it

In principle - you can get an invitation to the miner's corporation in the zeros, and still dig for PLEX on trial (Without skills on Venture you can get  1.5-2KK per hour solo, then, with skills, turn into a 4-5KK per hour, in the null-sec - about half as much, if you find a perfect bonuses - that has twice as much, that is - really go for 10kk per hour on trial Venture), but if you have brains in your head solved the problem of trial payment is much simpler than vigorous pressing of minerals for almost a hundred hours. Spend a few days of pure time to save very little money…

The next major milestone in the career of a miner is learning the skill Mining Barge. It allows you to manage specialized ships , whose effectiveness in comparison with others, above the fold in two. To study this skill will have to first study the skill Astrogeology, but considering that this skill adds 5% to the extraction of ore per skill level - it's still worth downloading.

Very quickly you will have to think over the question - how to ensure your ships a sufficient level of security? You're safe when you dig veldspar on Venture in the system with SS 1.0. But the barge is already significantly more expensive Venture and you want to mine something better than veldspar.

Whatever one may say, it is better to start with the fighting and support skills (drones, shields, armor, rigs). In particular, I would like to pay your attention to the drones. In fact, the only weapons that you can equip mining barge.

Further evolution  of the miners - the study skills Exhumers, to fly on T2-versions of the mining barges. It's already hard enough skill with a bunch of prerequisites.

Exhumers even more expensive, and fly it to the belt-up that you have learned the necessary skills related to the shields, armor, rigam, drones ... a kind of suicide. These skills are not specified in the prerequisites, but you have your head to think.

After studying the Exhumers in 5 and ore processing in the 4 (for T2 versions mining crystalls), the evolution of the solo miner actually ends. Further evolution is possible in either direction collective mining (bonuses, leadership, etc.), or to the side of production. There is still a couple of additional, very specific directions. It’s harvesting of ice, gases and  fullerenes.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What can be done to an offline POS?

I see a lot of POSes at moons that are anchored, but are not online (no shield bubble).
What can be done to these POSes? Are they abandoned? Can I steal them somehow? Or can I shoot them and destroy them? If they are offline, does it still take a very long time to destroy them?

  • Just kill them all :)
  • Maybe, maybe not. There are a lot of situation, when you haven't time to log in EVE and fill the fuel. After all real life is more important
  • No, you can’t
  • Yes, you can. But in high-sec you need declare official war on the owner, otherwise the police will intervene.  So it cost 50KK as minimum. In low/null just blow it up.
  • It depend on what you’ll use for destroying. You can’t use dreadnought in highsec, so it'll take a lot of time in any case, if you haven’t big fleet of battle ships.

If it’s just tower – there are nothing valuable to pay 50KK or waste time and ammo. You should look for something like corp hangars, labs, silos, etc. If they have stuff inside, there is a 50% chance that stuff will drop when you destroy it!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Golden Rules

I have read the rules just now - I’ve step on almost all rakes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Diamond Nebula

Diamod Nebula

Another nebula in the constellation Pegasus, and mined there respectively Celadon Cytoserocin (what and where is mined you can see here). From two clouds I've got 2,900 units of gas. One cloud is bigger, the second smaller, exact figures can not say. Nebula from the category average risk in mining - the clouds beat by Thermal and EM, but they are far away from each other - and you'll be beaten only by one cloud. Only one venture per cloud, mine by two with my skills is guaranteed kill myself. And even by one I had to stop harvesters after each stroke and to restore shield. I study all skills that relates to the strength of all shields and in particular, but for some skills it's necessary to send a courier to Jita.

After warp in there is no one, but a bit later guests appear

Diamond Nebula. Pirates

Lots of drone structures - apparently they may appear, but as in other places, it is probabilistic in nature. This time nobody spawns.

Aborigines behave calmly, I was expecting an old memory from various dirty tricks from Test Alliance (ROL - do not forget, do not forgive), but they hinder me much less than snobs from Executive Outcomers. To tell the truth - as long as the tests do not interfere at all. Meanwhile, in the cargo of already formed about 11K of gas and it pleases.

Monday, July 15, 2013

POS. The economy must be economical

Depending on the size, POS spent fuel blocks (per hour):

Big 40
Medium 20
Small 10

And if it is set in highsec, it also spent 1 license per hour. Maybe it is possible to do a little lower fuel consumption when using fractional POS but it will cost much more expensive. And provokes “bad guys” wanting to profit.

Further calculations are tied to current prices, so make these yourself for your POS.

Fuel block for the Caldari Tower worth 14,200 isk. I prefer Caldari, because it is more suited to me on the parameters (CPU and PowerGrid). If these parameters are not critical to you, it is best to focus on the prices of fuel blocks in your area. Which is cheaper and closer, that tower you should take. Because pull 40 * 24 * 30 = 28800 units for a large tower every month from Jita you quickly get bored. Especially when you consider the size of one block of 5 m3, it will have 144,000 m3 - think how many flights do you need on transporter that you can drive. Though of course if you drive freighter and POS stands three jumps from Jita ... well, then it doesn’t matter.

Through  my wormhole can’t pass  even Mastodon and I need 5 flights through the hole and before it, i have to drag all by freighter from Jita to the system where the hole is right now. What will happen when I live in WH c5 downright terrifying.

Well, okay, it's the lyrics ... omit the calculations, we obtain monthly expenses:

Big 422КК
Medium 211КК
Small 105КК

The numbers I'm naturally a little rounded, it does not matter. But the price of the units varies and they can easily grow by 50 percent. And even higher. Against this background, the price of licenses is simply lost, it can not even be considered. That doesn’t mean that you can easily put a POS in highsec - you must have enough standings for it.

Cost of Strontium Clathrates I don’t calculate because usually it is one-time costs. If your POS is regularly driven into reinforced mode, it might be worth to find a quieter place?

So big POS will cost us about 400- 600KK per month. 15-20KK per day, regardless of whether or not you are playing. And then it has to pay back that amount.

How can we earn with POS?

  • production lines
  • processing
  • research laboratories
  • laboratory for the production of drugs
  • reactors
  • extraction of minerals from the moon

Some options are not possible in highsec. Some also aren’t possible in wormholes. Another way - your other activities should bring you an income sufficient to justify the use of your base. Especially in this case, you would in most cases be enough, even the smallest POS. Plexrunners actually needed POS only to change fit and keep loot - for lack of a nearby station agentruners do not need it at all, because there are enough stations in the empire.

Freighter convoy in Null-sec

It is nervous and ungrateful business. This huge clumsy chest, stuffed with a great value property is a very tempting target for any gang, who happened to be nearby. The best way to transport cargo freighter in nulls- give it up and carry everything you need with a smaller transport. Jump freighter in most cases is much more preferable. Unfortunately some items can’t be loaded even in JF, however hard you try. For example a hub or fifth level upgrades for it.

Even in this case it is necessary to think about building all this stuff somewhere nearby.

Well, if I have still not convinced you....

First, you need cruiser for support. It is highly desirable. Suitable any of them, on which you can install three stasis webifier, microwarp drive, cloacking device and a pair of warpstabs. It mean – cruiser must have 4 medium slots at least. Everything else - optional.

It might sound strange, but webifier you will use to accelerate the freighter. MWD need to quickly approach it, warpstabs give you some hope on salvation, and you need cloack for quietly waiting out the invasion of enemies on the spot.

In fact, for these purposes recommend Rapier, it can dramatically reduce the need for the MWD. This is the first and only advantage. You don’t need covert ops cloacking device, and the loss of T2-ship will be much expensive than the usual cruiser.

Secondly it is desirable to have at least one scout. A better of the two.  Better yet, three. One or two are flying in front, one covers your ass. Precaution is not superfluous given that the freighter flying, to put it mildly, not quick. As long as you fly from one gate to another, someone quick has enough time to fly through previous system, and this, and happy to meet you.

Third, to pass through the bridge freighter takes an enormous amount of fuel. It's wise to talk with the owners of bridges and clarify how do you compensate for their costs. Fuel for the bridge can be brought at the freighter, but to refill them yourself you can’t.

Technology of freighter acceleration

  • Do not use it near bridge! Bridge can attack you - depending on the configuration

The technology is based on the following facts:

  • The ship goes to warp at a rate about approximately 75% of maximum. For accuracy I can not vouch.
  • The maximum speed of the ship depends on included modules (afterburner and MWD) and external factors (webifier)
  • The current speed when the above conditions are not changed immediately, but with some acceleration other than infinity.

That is, when you activate webifier to freighter, the value of its maximum speed immediately drops, and if the current speed is greater than 75% of this new maximum - it instantly goes to warp. 3 webifier is almost guaranteed to send him to the warp at any non-zero velocity. Without the use of webifiers - acceleration will occur painfully slow.


  • Since this is considered an aggressive action, cruiser can have some problems. It can't pass next gate until end timer of aggression. It lasts a short time and after a few tries you will pass, so don't worry about.
  • Webifiers should be applied quickly. Ideally - Turn on the webifier, then begin to aim (when target lock they will activated at the same time). I recommend you to put webifier into the first row of slots, and activate by pressing the F1-F2-F3.
  • The biggest problem for the freighter are mobils (mobil warp disruptor).  It is desirable to avoid the systems in which the gates are closed by mobils, or negotiate with the owners to turn them off. In an extreme cases, shoot and then apologize. If the gate is not closed by mobil, and she pulls the ship for a few tens of kilometers away, you can fly around. Just set bookmark apart the gate.
  • In the border systems, where usually are a lot of neutrals (eg HED) is usually present, also there is the alli fleet that camp gate. For them is not difficult to cover your ass ... but you after the passage of such a system is to lie low - log off and wait some time. Because it is a good chance that you were marked by everybody who can throw their business and come out to hunt. Freighter - a rare and very big prize.

And of course if you can gather a gang, and the freighter flies not two times each day, that is better if you fly with escort, under protection.

Massive Nebula

Very beautiful nebula with a cloud Celadon Cytoserocin, 7500 units of gas. It damage weakly by thermals only - you can mine together and even three.

Massive Nebula. Warp in

There is nobody when you warp in, but as you have got the first batch of gas will spawn three small drone

Massive Nebula. Drones

Shoot them, we begin to dig ... and then there are more, the whole crowd

Massive Nebula. Drones

Light fast drones is good to kill them, drones but my character haven't skills. I'll have to fly to Jita and bring small guns for scouts.

And then again I'm diging, and again three drones. But it ends there, then nobody mess me digging. Well, only that the local (or non-local - who knows) scurrying back and forth, then they hung the bulb... Well, shit, who fear of wolves - not fucked in the forest .... I've mined all gaz.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mining: About skills, leadership & equipment

Look at this three pictures.

First one show us mining productivity after fleet creating. 1930 m3/180 s. Before was 1754 for the same time. Character has skills:

  • Mining Foreman 5 (bonus 2% per level)
  • Mining Director 2 (but i hasn’t link modules)
  • Mining 5
  • Mining Upgrades 5
  • Mining Barge 5 (cargo 27500 m3)
  • Astrogeology 5

Ship is retriver with Modulated Strip Miner II + T2 Mining Crystal + Mining Laser Upgrade II x 2

In fact, she can use Mackinaw, but I have decided to wait a little – while be ready some support skills. I don’t want left mackinaw unattended without shield/armor rigs and t2 modules. Also she can fly Orca (and use gang-links), but it makes no sense for 2 members in fleet.

Retriver in fleetRetriver without fleet

Now, there are second set of pictures. There are character who hasn’t such skills

  • Mining 5
  • Mining Upgrades 2
  • Mining Barge 3 (cargo 25300 m3)
  • Astrogeology 3

StripMiner I + Mining Laser Upgrade I x 2

So we have 1412 m3 in fleet and 1284 m3 alone.

Retriver in fleet, weak skills

Retriver without fleet, weak skills

Both of chars hasn’t any implants. I’m not sure that it’s useful – because don’t mine regularly.

Persistent Pests

  • Persistent Pests ObjectivesVenture
  • 2 cruisers + 2 frigates
  • poor bounty and loot

Another time, another agent and system:

  • cruiser +3 frigates
  • 3 small drones

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coming 'Round the Mountain

  • Coming 'Round the Mountain ObjectivesVenture, 2 trips
  • 1st respawn 2 small drones
  • 2nd respawn 2 battleships + 2 frigs
  • 3d respawn 3 small drones
  • 1.5KK bounty
  • 1KK loot

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Beware They Live

  • Beware They Live Objectivesuse Venture/Procurer, 9.000 m3 ore, 2 trips
  • 2.5KK bounty + 2.5KK loot
  • 2 guns + 4 small drones
  • 2 battleships + 3 cruisers

Another time:

  • 2 guns +5 small drones
  • 4 cruisers
  • 1 strange battleship (see below)
  • poor loot

After this mission I want mining barge :) it’s too long on Venture. 9.000/384 = 24 min. Taking into account the the warps, NPC killing, etc… 30 minute and even more per one mission.

A Better World

A Better World Objectives
  • Ship: Venture (6000 m3 ore), 2 trip
  • 1 resp: 2 small drones
  • 2 resp: 4 small drones
  • no loot, no bounty

Another time:

  • 1 resp 1 cruiser + 2 frigates
  • 2 resp 3 small drones
  • 3 resp 5 small drones
  • 4 resp 2 small drones

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stop The Thief

Stop The Thief Objectives

  • Ship: Manticore
  • no gate, use warp to within 50km
  • bounty and loot poor, but you need to kill them all

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Understanding Augumene

  • ship: VentureUnderstanding Augumene, objectives
  • cruiser and 3 frigates
  • bounty and loot not interested

Friday, July 5, 2013


Claimjumpers, objectives
  • use Venture
  • 5 cruisers
  • bounty and loot not interested
  • 2 jumps, different systems

next time:

  • battleship and 2 frigates
  • 1KK bounty, no valuable loot

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Unknown Events

  • use Venture, 2 flights (6000 m3 ore)unevents
  • 2 battleships and 2 frigs
  • 1KK bounty
  • 3KK loot

Second time was

  • 2 battleships and 3 cruisers
  • 2.5KK bounty
  • 4KK loot

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Scandium Metallofullerene Reaction

About what equipment is needed for the production I wrote, and won’t repeat. The reaction itself:

  Quantity Price Buy price Sell price
Zydrine 25 663 16600 16600
Fullerite-C72 100 8690-8400 869000 840000
Fullerite-C28 100 6750-6200 675000 620000
Scandium Metallofullerene 40 53250-52250 - 2090000
      529000 613000

Zidrin has a decent fall in price. I remember last spring, all highly expected that with the abolition of alloys, price of minerals will jump up, for this case, we even brought halks to our base and were preparing to do mining ... but quickly changed our minds.

Hmm ... the difference in gain compared to the previous reaction - within the error. 529/613KK profit, but Fullerite-C28 I have not yet found here.

Look at volume:

  Volume m3 Quantity pcs/day Volume m3/day
Zydrine 0.01 600 6
Fullerite-C72 2 2400 4800
Fullerite-C28 2 2400 4800
Scandium Metallofullerene
2.6 960 2496

Volume of purchased material for this reaction is more than for others. So increasing freight traffic, which in our system is the weakest link. We will leave it until the material is required in the production chain.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PPD Fullerene Fibers Reaction


  Quantity Price Buy Sell
Pyerite 800 12.67-12.3
10200 9840
Fullerite-C50 300 8300-7450
2490000 2235000
Fullerite-C60 100 653-570 65300 57000
PPD Fullerene Fibers 250 14000-11900 - 2975000
      410000 673000

Almost the same as for Fulleroferrocene Reaction. Look at volumes:

  Volume m3/pcs Quantity pcs/day Volume m3/day
Pyerite 0.01 19200 192
Fullerite-C50 1 7200 7200
Fullerite-C60 1 2400 2400
PPD Fullerene Fibers 0.5 6000 3000

A bit worse than Fulleroferrocene Reaction.

For details of production, see Fulleroferrocene Reaction. They are completely the same.