Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mission of Mercy

missionofmercyI'm not too interested in doing mission first level, so I improved social skills and begin to the second level.

Here available secutity agents.

  • acceleration gate
  • one pocket
  • frigs and cruisers – just kill them all

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sansha on the Horizon

Well, here I got to the fifth level missions. Specially 2 days I run missions from the second level to the fourth, standings were growing, and finally fifth ...

The job description

Sansha forces recently start an offensive into new territories. So far we have been able to hold them back, but every day it's harder. Recently, we found a new base Sansha on our side of the border. Now we have no free way to deal with this problem. I want you to figure it out. Destroy the station and all the ships of Sansha, which will protect it.


Destroy the outpost Sansha and all enemy ships guarding it.


After completing this task, you will receive the following awards:
83488 LP (!) Eighty! Three! THOUSANDS!

And isks a bit, to support the pants: 3.7KK + more 3.6KK bonus, if you have finished in time.

On the fourth level missions such is not even close. But the complexity of... full shit

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What you need to know about POS kill

Best of all, if your corporation has active players with different time online. At any time, should be a person who, at least can get a message about the attack and will be able to call for help. If not - you will enter and find the POS in reinforced mode. All that you can do now is to collect his associates for defense. Call your corporation, call your alliance, friends, volunteers ... anyone. You need to ward off enemies and restore POS shield. While the shield is not restored up to the level of 50% and above - you will not be able to get absolutely nothing from hangar, from lab, reactors, etc.

Update: you still can use modules that don’t use CPU. So, you can get ships from ship maintenance array.

This means that if you're not sure that you can promptly detect the attack or to organize a defense, it should be borne in mind the following:

  • Use industrial ships for for valuable stuff. You can’t get stuffs from hangar because it use CPU, but if you keep it in ships, it helps you a lot.
  • Protection of alliance or large corporation - some guarantee that you can download the materials for the week ahead and go offline. Otherwise - refine and produce in small batches, with the materials for a day or so.

Naturally, than bigger POS, than more it has guns, scramblers, jammers etc., the less attractive target it is and there are less enemies, who can aggress it. Of course a large fleet of dreadnoughts and carriers will destroy any "death star". But it'll take a time.

  • It is necessary to collect all at one time
  • They need to think about support, scouts and escape routes

In general, it is the whole military operation with questionable benefit. And they have other worries enough.

If the POS was killed, but for some reason they did not finish structures, you still can't get anything from the lab / hangars, etc. While there are not a control tower near - they are locked. They can not be removed from the anchor and pick up, you can not access to their content.

In this case, you  can't install new tower, anchored structures prevent this. So in order to install a new POS you will have to destroy them yourself. Perhaps they was left just for this. Even pilot of industrial ship can run POS in empty place. To run POS in place with structures - you need a fleet of battleships, which will shoot it some hours. Or Dred / Carrier

Where to get the BPC for standard boosters?

They are distributed by agents in space. Only once per character.

They give BPC to everyone, even if you on trial accounts (small problev – you can’t harvest gas on trial), regardless of the standings. For some reason I thought there are only two agents in the constellation, but in reality it turned out that they are at each entry point of the constellation - where it connects with others. In some systems there are even two agents in the same system. Although there are one exception, in GRHS-B I have not found an agent. CCP forgot to put it?

Booster Agents What you need for exchange
Standard Blue Pill Booster Ocho Shusiian / Y5J-EU
Ozomi Obanen  / B-E3KQ
Vena Saapialen  / UL-4ZW
Fetosa Kanim / BR-6XP
20 m3 Amber Cytoserocin
Standard Drop Booster Binnie Nigolier / PPG-XC
Mabvrion Atlete / 6RCQ-V
Grisier Challier / XG-D1L
20 m3 Viridian Cytoserocin
Standard Exile Booster Juvoire Sche / IR-WT1
Oguet Aene / YZS5-4
Goligere Debanelis / 9-VO0Q
Gomosabin Zerdanne / 9-VO0Q
Ravacesel Roque / XF-TQL
20 m3 Celadon Cytoserocin
Standard Crash Booster Heiraitah Siakkano / ZXA-V6
Tehjus Otsini / I1-BE8
Kara Morato / 1QH-0K
20 m3 Golden Cytoserocin
Standard Frentix Booster Galhar Lahara / GE-8JV
Rahli Saronu  Division / AX-DOT
Enna Ahruneh / MY-W1V
Desra Nekri / 3GD6-8
20 m3 Lime Cytoserocin
Standard Sooth Sayer Booster Riluko Hik  / J-RXYN
Uiswin Aurtur / 07-SLO
Zwod Aden / GPD5-0
20 m3 Azure Cytoserocin
Standard Mindflood Booster Marera Arghun / 1-2J4P
Yoti Haraisha / 9GNS-2
Rasa Jaswelu / C3N-3S
Nemphad Azbias / LWX-93
20 m3 Malachite Cytoserocin
Standard X-Instict Booster Horir Firvoon / 3L-Y9M
Baftot Asluzof / DUU1-K
Vianes Ounid / O9V-R7
Golarad Hjom / TSG-NO
Bollen Odridur / BJD4-E
20 m3 Vermillion Cytoserocin

As a result, I got 31 one-time agents. I was tired while visiting all of them on the test server, though flew mostly on autopilot. Also you can get them in combat ladar signatures.

Do not be amiss to remind you that visit all these agents is not an easy job as it may seem at first. You are not welcome in these areas.

You can be easily killed, on the way there, or when you are flying back. It takes a lot of time - you need to refit new ship and fly again ... And apparently already with another fleet, because this you can not overtake when you alone. Particularly hurt when, you were killed on the way back with the collected BPC.

Patience, accuracy and caution are the three virtues of the ninja gas harvesting.

A little more about boosters

The most popular is the Blue Pill - booster that allows you to more effectively use shield booster. A major component for it is a gas Amber Cytoserocin.

This gas is produced in a group of systems, 8-TFDX, B-E3KQ, BR-6XP, G5ED-Y, O-LR1H, UL-4ZW, Y5J-EU. In the same place in space, dangle agents who in exchange for gas to give boosters BPC (Standard). These are sold only through the contracts and cost up to 10KK. Gas needed for the exchange, worth about 2KK. BPC for more powerful boosters (Improved) mined in battle and cost from 15KK, and Strong from 140KK. But they still need to get, and this is not simple.

Idea: a couple of rookie on Ventures will dig the gas and exchange it to BPC

Bad news: agent give BPC only once to one character :(. The second point – in nulls gas sites are usually protected by NPC, sometimes very seriously. So before you harvest gas you need to clear site from the enemies.

Another problem - you can't harvest gas on trial account (I hope it's not a problem for you). And sell the resulting BPC too. But trial chars can exchange the gas to BPC.

But if you want to try ...

So, if you want to gain experience of low and nulls fly and make a bit isks, a sin not to take advantage.

First of all, there are ladar sites w/o rats even in nulls. As example: Pale Nebula (Assilot, gas Viridian Cytoserocin). There are such signatures for other types of gas.

You need scout with minimal skills:

  • Mechanics 3
  • Jury Rigging 3
  • Afterburner 3
  • Warp Drive Operation 1
  • Astronautics Rigging 1
  • High Speed Maneuvering 1

Actually the first three needs only to learn last 2. We need them for fiting microwarp drive and rigs for ship velocity. Fourth will give us the ability to set warpstabs.

And miner:

  • Gas harvesting skills
  • skills from shield branches – you need fit shields extensder, booster, hardener
  • Mechanics 3
  • Jury Rigging 3
  • Shield Rigging 1
  • Hull Upgrades 1

Fly to the nearest constellation booster and back of Jita - about an hour. To the other can be a bit longer, well, two hours. The route goes through nulls, the locals do not like guests, but they are few.

Full ore cargohold has 500 units of gas it cost about 5KK isk. Also you can exchange first portion of gas to BPC, it cost up to 10KK. Actually agents gives you the BPC with 10 runs, it cost less 2-2.5KK, but it’s easy to mix up ;). This is kind of scam but it is allowed. Usually there are 4 agents. You, and your alt-scout – you will have 8 BPC, up to 80KK, so 85KK per one little trip. Is it not good enough for rookie?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The factional war

The network has quite a popular guide on "how newby can make PLEX on the factional wars". Guide is quite old, and therefore the question arises - how much it is  actual. Well, I do have doubts about its feasibility. But I'll try and I will periodically throw up different little thoughts on this.

While it is possible to note two things.

The first - the factional wars is a huge number of PVP playes, who pvp from morning to evening. In nulls compared to low sec regions of faction wars - just so quiet grace, there are empty systems in which people show up not every day, to shoot a little to red crosses.

The only plus point compared to nulls - there aren't mobiles. The truth is - this has no sense, because they do not really even need. In the sense that you can certainly push bunch of warp stabs into frigate  and fly almost calm. But if you make agent run, then you can forget about warp stabs. And banal mission becomes like a circus with horses - you have to fly through several systems of continuous fighting.

Scout help you a lot, he  flies in front of a white horse on the frigate with warp stabs, jump to gates first  and puts the bookmarks. But scout can only detect an ambush, disperse foes who are camping the gate he can not do.

By the way, this is the first difference of the above-mentioned guidelines i’ve already found. Scouts on the shuttle - this is kind os suicide. Much better suited appropriate frigate. I use minmatar ones: Slasher, Vigil, Probe

  • It has 2-3 low slots in which you can fit warp stabs. This is reason why any frigate preferable than the shuttle. Even rookie ship
  • Frigate can be fitted with cloack device . It isn't a stealth bomber, you can't sneak up on enemies, but you can safely throw it anywhere, turn on the cloack and not worry that he will be killed.
  • Frigate can be modified with rigs Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I. As a result of warp speed to increase up to 10 AU/s and more, depends of your skills. Not bad when you have to go around the crowd of agents.
  • MWD - a very necessary thing for making bookmarks on station undock and near gates. At least, it's much faster. If you need to fly 150 km, what is preferable - frigate with microwarp drive flies at 3 km/s, and the shuttle only 0.6. Is there a difference?

The second point is:

How to convert LP to isks?

In guide as a basis for the calculation is taken conversion rate 1 LP = 2000 isk. But most of goods in LP-shop, when you properly calculate it, will be unrealistic expensive. To put it simply for the money they are not wanted.


Tempest Fleet Issue is about 360KK in Jita, and we are offered a BPC for 250.000 LP + 20KK isk. About implants I even don't want to say anything, prices have fallen and it is just a garbage . The same applies to the guns and missile launchers.

Of course, you can find goods for which the convert ratio is 2000:1 and even more. At least in theory. In practice, when you sell a lot of expensive factional modules, there aren't enought byers and prices crumble. And, someone has to sit in Jita and correct price constantly. It takes a lot more time than you might expect.

Why do you need EVE Test Server?

Developers use it to test new versions of the game. And we, mere mortals, too, to test new formats ... For example fleets, warfare tactics… You can play around with different sets of fit and for many other things.

You want to know how many suicide Tornado they need to kill your Tengu? It's good idea to do it on test server than destroy real tengu for a couple of billion isk.

And so on. Wellcome to the test server.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Kamikaze Attack

You can not relax even in high sec. Especially, if you have in the cargohold something valueable. Or a good fit. In short, anything that can be looted from the your wreck. And just like that can fill up, for fun and as a decoration  for killboard. Well, these guys love when innocent victims hurling thunderbolts in the chat. Than stronger batthert, the more fun.


There were no signs of sudden arrival of assholes. Just before it I left corporation, to avoid offwar and rest assured that I'm really in high sec in complete safety. Moved on a mission almost on autopilot. And suddenly discovered that I'm going there in the pod. Two tornadoes have exchanged to one Tengu and while I was turning they have looted wrecks . 2.3B has gone into the trash, drop off was about 700-800KK.

Congratulations to Red Alliance with luck.

If your ship or cargo is has something of value, then:

  • Have undocking boolmark
  • no autopilot
  • If there is no urgent need for the dock, it is best to hang on the spot in cloak, than once again approaching the station.
  • No use expensive fit if it isn’t necessary
  • If you has active tank, it should MUST be turned on, ALWAYS
  • There are no guarantees that it will help. Sooner or later, your ship will be destroyed. And there is, as always, suddenly.
  • do not fly the 13th :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Intercept The Saboteurs

You need to fly and beat the bad guys along the way to take away their cargo container with Confiscated Viral Agent.

The first small batch of frigates meet us upon arrival. Then go through the acceleration gate and meet three groups of the bad guys. Basically, frigates, cruisers and several industrial ships. There is also battleships, but we can don’t even touch them.

You can do this mission fast: Just fire back a nearest group that includes the transports, pick up cargo and warp out. The remaining two groups don't aggro.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Synth X-Instinct Booster Reaction

Well, I harvested Vermillion Mykoserocin, decided to look for out of it you can cook.

40 Vermillion Mykoserocin + 20 Garbage = 30 Pure Synth X-Instinct Booster

I have 3000 Vermillion Mykoserocin, or 75 portions. So I need 1,500 units of Garbage and on the output I will get 2,250 units of Pure Synth X-Instinct Booster. It will take 75 hours.

It is still not ready booster, the result will need to download the lab. Along with the reaction BPC and the necessary minerals. And these BPC (surprise!) isn't available on the market. They can be obtained only in the pirate LP-shops, or in combat ladar sites, or throught contracts.

Gas harvesting for boosters

Gas harvesters can only be installed in the turret slot, and therefore specialized mining barges are not suitable for them. Until recently, gas production is carried out by a variety of BC, like Hurricane. To fit the maximum, 5 harvesters, required different tricks to increase the CPU.

Venture in gas cloud

It was somewhat illogical - well, why combat ships does gas harvesting, and why specialized mining barge unable to do this? But, in general, are all used. In this regard, EVE developers are trying to make the game more logical, but they not too strive. This is not chess, where the horse goes only by one manner, there you can throw it to the head of your opponent.

However, with the advent of the mining frigate Venture everything finally fell into place. Its rate of harvesting is comparable to previous method. When you have all the necessary skills his two harvester extract per unit of time as much gas as 5 of the traditional BC. No additional crutches is necessary. A volume of 5.000 m3 cargohold is brilliant. Previously, it was necessary to have the industrial ship to drag the extracted gas. It is no longer necessary.


In low sec there are no rats in gas sites. But there are PvP players. So I recommend fit:

  • one extra warp stab in low slot
  • in middle and shield extenders and shield hardener
  • cloacking device and 2 gas harvesters in high slots
  • rigs for agility

Shield booster isn’t useful, if fight happens, it will be too quick.

Fit for nulls is different, it is determined that you need to protect yourselves from the NPC and cloud blows. Otherwise, you simply will not live till meeting with the PvP players. So, this fit is more for PvE.

  • Damage Control
  • Shield Extender + Shield Booster + EM Shield Hardener
  • cloacking device and 2 gas harvesters in high slots
  • 3 Anti-Thermal shirld rigs


Gas harvesting is nervous job. It is mined mainly in low and null secs, there are constellations where the most frequent gas clouds. About null sec gases and their constellations I will tell separately, low sec constellations:

  • The Forge: Mivora
  • Lonetrek: Umamon
  • Placid: Amevync
  • Solitude: Elerelle
  • Aridia: Fabai
  • Derelik: Joas
  • Heimatar: Hed
  • Molden Heath: Tartatven

It also comes in other constellations, in nulss and in the empire, but in much smaller amounts. You can fly through systems for a long time and won't find anything. So if you do this on a serious basis, it will have to go to mentioned above.

Good news – only few of the players do gas harvesting. So you have a weak competition. And it's not asteroid belts, where PvP players can just to click and go to visit you. They will have to run the probes, scan you ... Accordingly, at this stage regular scan checking will give you a chance.

The bad news – it is low sec, there are lots of PvP players. Gate camps, tacklers on station undock. By the way, despite the decent amount of cargohold, it is still not enough. Appetite comes with eating :) You need to fly somewhere and unload mined. It is best, of course, if you have own POS - no one has caught you on the undocking. But it is expensive, troublesome and even the question of how local residents would reacted on it : maybe someone for no good reason, according to this system of their own, and you - an unwelcome guest. In addition you will have to go to neighboring systems, gas clouds are not that big and fast running out.

The best alternative - transport on twink char. Dug up, thrown into the container out, twink had logged in, collected, and disappeared again we go mein. Similarly, we proceed with the scout - in fact most of the time he has nothing to do.


I came across a Pipe Nebula, there are three clouds with Vermillion Mykoserocin, 1.000 units each.

Production cycle of T2-harvesters is 30 seconds, they extract 20 m3. With the 100% bonus it is 40 m3. Two harvester - 80 m3, 160 m3 of gas per minute. 3,000 units, the volume of 10 m3 each, a total of 30,000 / 160 = 187.5 minutes, a little more than three hours by one miner. In reality, all four - it takes time to travel. The cost of ~ 7,000 per unit, for a total of 4 hours 21KK = 5KK on the miner per hour. So of course it is better to use three or four windows.

Thrice was hiding from the probes, but it was a false alarm - probably looking for WH. I almost got caught by Machariel on undocking. Locale and scan are full of enemies, but no one has arrived to me.

Then I was scaned. For the fourth time, I was too lazy and did not hide. Immediately Nemesis has arrived and tried to kill me. Although it's weird - stealth bomber could fly cloacked and I would not see him before he flew up and burst out with all guns. So i was lucky twice. Apparently he was lazy  too.